Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (12): 26-29.
• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles Next Articles
Liang Xiangcheng
With the gradual enlargement of the hydrogenation unit, the traditional internals are prone to problems such as uneven material distribution and excessive occupancy of reactor space, seriously affecting the smooth operation of hydrogenation units and equipment investment. In order to improve logistics distribution and reduce the volume of internals, SINOPEC(Dalian) Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. has developed a new type of internals for hydrogenation reactors by optimizing the internals structure, including crud plates, shock reduction plates, and cold hydrogen tanks. The developed internal components have been successfully applied to a hydrocracking unit with a reactor diameter of 5.6 m. After the reactor diameter is expanded from 4.8 m to 5.8 m, the height between beds is only increased by 90 mm. The industrial application results of large-scale hydrogenation units indicate that the new internal component technology can significantly solve the problem of large radial temperature difference in large-scale reactors. Among them, the radial temperature difference of hydrogenation reactors of Sichuan Petrochemical and Lanzhou Petrochemical is less than 3 ℃. In the hydrocracking unit of Maoming Petrochemical, the radial temperature difference of the reactor inlet is less than 3 ℃, and the radial temperature difference of the bed is basically less than 4 ℃. For Shandong Hualong oil upgrading project, the radial temperature difference of refining reactor and cracking reactor is less than 3 ℃. The overall application result is good, which meets the production needs of enterprises.
Key words: large scale, hydrogenation reactor, internals, inlet diffuser, distribution disk, cold hydrogenbox, redistribution disk, new type of cold hydrogen disk
随着加氢装置规模逐渐大型化,传统内构件容易出现物料分配不均、占用反应器空间过大等问题,严重影响加氢装置平稳运行以及设备投资。中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司以提高物流分配、缩小内构件体积为目标,通过优化内构件结构,开发了新型加氢反应器内构件,包括积垢盘、减冲盘、冷氢箱等。开发的内构件已成功应用于反应器直径为5.6 m加氢裂化装置,反应器直径由4.8 m扩大到5.8 m后,床层间高度只增加了90 mm。大型化加氢装置工业应用结果表明,新型内构件技术可以显著解决大型化反应器径向温差大的问题。其中,四川石化、兰州石化加氢反应器径向温差小于3℃;茂名石化加氢裂化装置裂化反应器入口径向温差小于3℃,床层径向温差基本不大于4℃;山东华龙油品升级项目,精制反应器、裂化反应器径向温差均小于3℃。新型内构件技术整体应用结果良好,满足了企业的生产需求。
关键词: 大型化, 加氢反应器, 内构件, 入口扩散器, 分配盘, 冷氢箱, 再分配盘, 新型冷氢盘
Liang Xiangcheng . Industrial application of high efficiency new type hydrogenation reactor internals technology[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2023, 53(12): 26-29.
梁相程 . 新型加氢反应器内构件技术工业应用[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2023, 53(12): 26-29.
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