Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (2): 10-14.

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Simulation study of CO2 recovery from regenerated flue gas of FCC unit by alcohol amine method

Yun Ying, Gao Feng, Gao Xianhui   

  1. SINOPEC (Dalian) Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-09-13 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-20


贠莹, 高峰, 高鲜会   

  1. 中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司
  • 作者简介:贠莹,工程师,硕士,2017年毕业于中国石油大学(北京),现从事石油化工、环保技术开发及工艺设计工作。联系电话:15804112050,。;
  • 基金资助:


In oil refinery, the CO2 emission of the FCC unit accounts for a high proportion of the total emission, while the corresponding flue gas CO2 recovery and treatment technologies are rarely reported. Alcohol amine method is widely used in natural gas purification and other fields. It is a mature decarburization technology with high decarburization efficiency and low regeneration energy consumption. It is considered that alcohol amine method can be used in the regeneration flue gas decarburization process. Using Aspen HYSYS software to simulate the process of regeneration flue gas CO2 absorption and desorption adopting the alcohol amine method. It is found that the composition and concentration of the mixed amine solution will affect the removal effect of CO2 in the regeneration flue gas, and properly increasing the absorption pressure and temperature is conducive to the absorption process. The energy consumption of the desorption process of rich amine solution mainly depends on the desorption rate and operating pressure. When the desorption temperature is not higher than the amine solution degradation temperature, the desorption pressure should be appropriately increased.

Key words: FCC, regeneration flue gas, alcohol amine method, CO2 recovery, recovery temperature, absorption condition, desorption condition, regeneration energy consumption


炼油企业催化裂化装置的CO2排放量在总排放量中占比很高,相应的烟气CO2回收治理技术却鲜有报道。醇胺法酸性气体脱除工艺(醇胺法)广泛应用于天然气净化等领域,是一种脱碳效率高、再生能耗低的成熟脱碳技术,可考虑应用于再生烟气脱碳过程中。利用Aspen HYSYS软件模拟醇胺法再生烟气CO2吸收和解吸过程发现:混合胺液的组成和浓度会影响再生烟气CO2的脱除效果,适当提高吸收压力及温度有利于吸收过程的进行;富胺液解吸过程的能耗主要取决于解吸率及操作压力,在解吸温度不高于胺液降解温度的条件下,应适当提高解吸压力。

关键词: 催化裂化, 再生烟气, 醇胺法, 回收CO2, 吸收温度, 吸收条件, 解吸条件, 再生能耗