Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (2): 60-64.

• ENERGY UTILIZATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Integrated optimization of hydrogen network in a refinery

Cui Shaohui1, Ma Jianing2, Yu Mingxin3, Wang Yangfeng4   

  1. 1.SINOPEC Catalyst Dalian Co., Ltd.; 2.Dalian University of Technology; 3.PetroChina Dalian West Pacific Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; 4.SINOPEC (Dalian) Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-08-26 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-20


崔少辉1, 马佳宁2, 于明欣3, 王阳峰4   

  1. 1.中石化催化剂大连有限公司; 2.大连理工大学; 3.中国石油大连西太平洋石油化工有限公司; 4.中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司
  • 通讯作者: 王阳峰,硕士,副研究员,主要从事石化企业节能技术研发工作。。
  • 作者简介:崔少辉,硕士,工程师,主要从事加氢催化剂研发及技术管理工作。。


Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing optimization technologies, such as over optimization and difficult convergence of models, a hydrogen network integrated optimization technology based on zonal modeling was developed. Taking the actual operation optimization of hydrogen network in a refinery as an example, based on the analysis of the status quo of hydrogen system, the hydrogen system was divided into three subsystems: hydrogen supply unit, hydrogen consumption unit and hydrogen recovery unit. On the basis of the optimization of hydrogen consumption unit and hydrogen recovery unit, an integrated optimization model of hydrogen network was constructed with the lowest hydrogen supply cost as the objective function. Based on the model above, four optimization schemes were designed, including hydrogen production unit capacity optimization, hydrogen gradient utilization, hydrogen recovery, and integrated optimization. After implementation, 7 270 m3/h of hydrogen resources were recovered, the amount of purchased hydrogen was reduced from 20 dam3/h to 4.5 dam3/h, the hydrogen utilization efficiency was increased from 83.33% to 92.01%, the hydrogen cost was saved by 39.53 million yuan per year, and the safety, stability and economy of hydrogen use in the hydrogen system were improved.

Key words: refinery, hydrogen network, integration optimization, hydrogen gradient utilization, mathematical model, load of hydrogen production unit, hydrogen-containing tail gas


针对现有氢气系统优化技术存在的优化过度、模型难收敛等问题,研究开发了基于分区建模协同优化的氢网络集成优化技术。以某炼油厂氢气网络实际运行优化研究为例,在氢气系统现状分析基础上,将氢气系统分解成供氢单元、用氢单元、氢回收单元3个子系统,在用氢单元、氢回收单元优化基础上,构建了以氢气供应成本最低为目标函数的氢气网络集成优化模型。应用研究开发的模型,设计了制氢装置产能优化、氢气梯级利用、氢气回收、集成优化等4项优化方案。方案实施后,回收氢气资源7 270 m3/h,外购氢量由20 000 m3/h减少至4 500 m3/h,氢气利用效率由83.33%提升至92.01%,节省氢气成本3 953万元/a。该优化方案提高了氢气系统用氢安全性、稳定性、经济性。

关键词: 炼油厂, 氢气网络, 集成优化, 氢气梯级利用, 数学模型, 制氢装置负荷, 含氢尾气