Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (2): 69-72.
• SAFETY AND HEALTH • Previous Articles
She Feng1, Wang Jianjun2, Han Jianyu3
佘锋1, 王建军2, 韩建宇3
The traditional development mode of anti-corrosion technology in petrochemical industry has been unable to meet today's demand for environmental protection and safety. From the perspective of technology accumulation, domestic refining units have decades of experience in use, and have accumulated a lot of anti-corrosion technology knowledge and skills. However, at the individual level, its knowledge carrier is technicians. With the replacement of technicians, the device technology and management level fluctuate periodically. From the industry level, technical knowledge and experience are in a disordered and fragmented state, lacking structural and systematic integration and sublimation. Converting the carrier of anti-corrosion technology knowledge from human to device itself, taking large group companies in the industry as organizational units, and taking device as the basis, standardized and modular technology accumulation mode is the foundation to realize technology accumulation in the industry. Through the integration, accumulation, comparison and quantitative analysis of technical knowledge, experience and technical capabilities accumulated by similar devices and similar corrosive environments, the overall technology of the device can be accumulated, optimized, diffused and inherited.
Key words: petrochemical industry, anti-corrosion, technology accumulation, integration and sublimation
关键词: 炼化行业, 防腐蚀, 技术积累, 整合和升华
She Feng, Wang Jianjun, Han Jianyu . Research on anticorrosion technology accumulation in petrochemical industry[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2023, 53(2): 69-72.
佘锋, 王建军, 韩建宇 . 炼油化工行业防腐蚀技术积累研究[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2023, 53(2): 69-72.
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