Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (3): 1-6.

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Discussion on several issues of safety and environmental protection of carbon disulfide unit

Hu Min   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-12-09 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-03-20



  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 作者简介:胡敏,正高级工程师,中国石油化工集团有限公司高级专家,中石化广州工程有限公司首席专家、公司技术委员会副主任,本刊编委会副主任、执行主编,主要从事石油化工废气净化工艺与工程设计、工程技术开发以及石油化工本质安全设计管理研究等工作。联系电话:020-22192012,。;
  • 基金资助:


The carbon disulfide toxic hazard index(THI) is 51, belonging to highly hazardous(level Ⅱ) medium and explosive medium(explosive hazardous medium). The flash point is-30 ℃, the lower limit of gas explosion is 1.3% by volume, the fire risk is class A(B) flammable liquid, and the critical storage capacity is 50 tons. The specific gravity of carbon disulfide vapor is 2.63 times that of air, and it has the basic characteristics of flammability, explosion, flow diffusion, easy generation or aggregation of static electricity, toxicity and so on. When the gas mixture formed by carbon disulfide vapor and air reaches the explosive limit concentration of 1.3%~50% by volume, the combustible gas mixture will be converted into explosive gas mixture. The explosion power is the largest when the carbon disulfide gas content is 4%~8% by volume, and the maximum pressure during explosion can reach 730 kPa. Acute carbon disulfide poisoning will occur after short-term exposure to high concentration of carbon disulfide, with the shortest onset time of 3~5 minutes and the longest onset time of about 7 hours. The maximum allowable concentration of carbon disulfide in the atmosphere of the residential area around the enterprise is 10 mg/m3(once), and the maximum allowable concentration of carbon disulfide in the air of the workshop is 10 mg/m3. The temperature of the barreled carbon disulfide warehouse should be kept between 5 ℃ and 20 ℃. When the design temperature of the heating medium in the warehouse is higher than 100 ℃, isolation measures should be taken for heating pipes and radiators. Carbon disulfide storage tanks should not be arranged in the open air, water seals should be installed in the tanks and antifreeze measures should be taken.

Key words: carbon disulfide unit, safety and environmental protection, green design products, basic characteristics, dangerous(hazard) characteristics, diagnostic criteria of poisoning, technical standards, laws and regulations


二硫化碳的毒物危害指数(THI)为51,属于高度危害(Ⅱ级)介质和易爆介质(爆炸危险介质),闪点为-30℃,气体爆炸下限为1.3%,火灾危险性为甲B类可燃液体,临界储存量为50 t。二硫化碳蒸气密度为空气的2.63倍,具有易燃性、爆炸性、流动扩散性、易产生或聚集静电、毒害性等基本特性。二硫化碳蒸气与空气形成的气体混合物达到爆炸极限浓度(1.3%~50%)时,可燃气体混合物就会转化成爆炸气体混合物;二硫化碳气体体积分数在4%~8%时爆炸威力最大,爆炸时的最大压力可达730 kPa。短期接触较高浓度二硫化碳后会出现二硫化碳急性中毒,最短3~5 min发病,最长至7 h左右的潜伏期后发病。企业周边居住区大气中二硫化碳的最高容许浓度为10 mg/m3(一次),车间空气中二硫化碳最高容许浓度为10 mg/m3。桶装二硫化碳库房温度宜保持在5~20℃,当库房采暖介质的设计温度高于100℃时应对采暖管道、暖气片采取隔离措施。二硫化碳储罐不应露天布置,罐内应设水封并应采取防冻措施。

关键词: 二硫化碳装置, 安全环保, 绿色设计产品, 基本特性, 危险(危害)特性, 中毒诊断标准, 技术标准, 法律法规