Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (3): 50-53.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis and improvement of operation problems of high temperature flue gas filter in P&P spent sulfuric acid regeneration unit

Zhu Wenzhen   

  1. Shandong Yulong Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-08-08 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-03-20



  1. 山东裕龙石化有限公司
  • 作者简介:祝文振,工程师,本科,2010年毕业于青岛科技大学化学工程与工艺专业,研究方向为碳四组分的综合利用、烷基化、废酸再生。联系电话:15721642781,。;


Austrian P&P wet spent sulfuric acid regeneration process has been introduced in China. The high temperature flue gas filter element is generally broken, blocked and deformed after being put into operation. The causes of the problems are analyzed in detail from purge temperature, air source pressure, replacement time, fuel gas composition, and the vertical degree of the filter element installation, and the optimization and improvement scheme is put forward. During purging of high temperature flue gas filter, the highest temperature heated by the electric tracing is generally 420~480 ℃, which is not up to the optimal purging temperature(above 500 ℃) required by the process package. This is the main reason for the problem. By adding an electric heater on the main replacement air pipe, the problem of insufficient purging temperature can be effectively solved, and the overall purging time can be shortened. At the same time, it will save more than 3 million yuan of maintenance cost each year. This scheme has been highly recognized by P&P company.

Key words: high temperature flue gas filter, purge process, gas source pressure, replacement time, fuel gas, filter element verticality, electric heater



关键词: 高温烟气过滤器, 吹扫流程, 气源压力, 置换时间, 燃料气, 滤芯垂直度, 电加热器