Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 17-20.
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Cheng Jiale, Zhao Guizhang, Li Leicheng, Wang Zhan, Liu Yu
程家乐, 赵贵章, 李垒成, 王展, 刘宇
This paper introduces the harm of light non-aqueous phase fluid(LNAPL), its migration complexity in groundwater environment and the corresponding remediation technology. By summarizing the reservoir conditions, migration mechanism and remediation technology of petroleum pollution, it is concluded that the migration of LNAPL in groundwater environment is affected by the main control factors such as the thickness of the aeration zone and aquifer, the soil characteristics and organic content in the stratum, the buried depth of the groundwater table, the flow direction, the flow rate and so on. Different remediation technologies can be used according to different reservoir conditions and hydrogeological conditions. Hydraulic capture technology and extraction technology can be used for oil-phase reservoir remediation. Air sparging(AS), permeable reactive barrier(PRB) and microbial remediation technology can be used for aqueous-phase reservoir remediation. And blow-off technology can be used for gas-phase reservoir remediation.
Key words: petroleum, contaminated soil, LNAPL, migration mechanism, oil slick extraction, solid phase pollution control, volatile pollution control;
关键词: 石油类, 污染土壤, 轻质非水相流体, 迁移机理, 浮油萃取, 固相污染治理, 挥发性污染治理
Cheng Jiale, Zhao Guizhang, Li Leicheng, Wang Zhan, Liu Yu . Migration mechanism and remediation technology of light non-aqueous phase liquids in petroleum-contaminated soil[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2023, 53(4): 17-20.
程家乐, 赵贵章, 李垒成, 王展, 刘宇. 石油类污染土壤轻质非水相流体迁移机理与修复技术 [J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2023, 53(4): 17-20.
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