Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 21-24.

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Summary of industrial practice of refining jet fuel component oil in RFCC unit

Li Shun   

  1. SINOPEC Jinling Company
  • Received:2022-09-08 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-23



  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司金陵分公司
  • 作者简介:李顺,工程师,硕士研究生,2009年毕业于南京工业大学化工过程机械专业,主要从事催化裂化装置技术管理工作。联系电话:13914722421,。


The industrial practice of refining jet fuel component oil in the 3.5 MM TPY RFCC unit of SINOPEC Jinling Company is introduced. By adding pipeline on the pipeline from the original hydrogenated diesel oil to the catalytic refining, the jet fuel component oil in the tank farm is transported to the LTAG refining nozzle at the bottom of the riser of the RFCC unit, so as to realize the blending of jet fuel component oil in the RFCC unit. The results show that under the condition of ensuring the stable operation of the RFCC unit, the high-value components such as gasoline and propylene are effectively increased. The conversion rate of jet fuel component oil is 89.44%, the yield of propylene is 8.26%, the yield of gasoline is 49.5%, the yield of liquefied petroleum gas(excluding propylene) is 17.64%, and the yield of propylene, liquid hydrocarbon and gasoline is significantly increased. In addition, the change of overall product distribution of RFCC unit with jet fuel component oil treatment capacity of 20~40 t/h is also investigated. The overall product distribution reaches the best. When the price of jet fuel is low, the economic benefit of treating jet fuel component oil by FCC unit is considerable.

Key words: RFCC, jet fuel component oil, LTAG nozzle, gasoline, propylene, economic benefit;


介绍了中国石油化工股份有限公司金陵分公司3.5 Mt/a重油催化裂化装置处理喷气燃料组分油的工业实践。通过在原加氢柴油至催化回炼的管线上增设管线,将罐区喷气燃料组分油输送至催化裂化装置提升管底部LTAG(催化裂化轻循环油生产高辛烷值汽油或轻质芳烃)回炼油喷嘴,以实现催化裂化装置掺炼喷气燃料组分油。结果表明:在确保重油催化裂化装置运行平稳的情况下,有效增产了汽油及丙烯等高价值组分,喷气燃料组分油的转化率达到89.44%,丙烯收率8.26%,汽油收率49.5%,液化石油气收率(不含丙烯)17.64%,装置丙烯、液态烃、汽油收率显著提高。除此之外,还考察了喷气燃料组分油处理量在20~40 t/h时重油催化裂化装置总体产品分布的变化,综合产品分布达到最佳。在喷气燃料价格较低时,利用催化裂化装置处理喷气燃料组分油取得较好的经济效益。

关键词: 重油催化裂化装置, 喷气燃料组分油, LTAG喷嘴, 汽油, 丙烯, 经济效益