Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 34-38.

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Industrial application of direct petroleum to chemicals(DPC) technology in Huizhou petrochemical company

He Anxin1, Hou Liguo1, Jin Fengying2, Xin Li2, Wu Qing3,4   

  1. 1.CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd.; 2.CNOOC Tianjin Chemical Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd.; 3.CNOOC Laboratory of Molecular Engineering and Efficient Utilization of Offshore Oil and Gas Resources; 4.China National Offshore Oil Corporation
  • Received:2022-10-11 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-24


贺安新1, 侯利国1, 靳凤英2, 辛利2, 吴青3,4   

  1. 1.中海油惠州石化有限公司; 2.中海油天津化工研究设计院有限公司; 3.中海油分子工程与海洋油气资源高效利用实验室; 4.中国海洋石油集团有限公司
  • 作者简介:贺安新,高级工程师,2010年毕业于东北石油大学化学工程与工艺专业,主要负责生产管理工作。联系电话:0752-3685126,。;
  • 基金资助:


In May 2021, the 1.2 MM TPY FCC unit of CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. carried out the industrial test of direct petroleum to chemicals(DPC) technology, naphthenic-intermediate base and third vacuum distillate waxy oil, vacuum residue and crude oil as feedstock. It has realized the effect of producing more LPG, low carbon olefin, less gasoline and diesel, greatly reducing coke yield, achieving the expected goal of reducing coke, increasing chemical products and reducing oil yield. The industrial test results are remarkable, and the industrial feasibility of DPC technology is verified. DPC experiment can fully reflect the huge advantages of low coking rate under the condition of processing the same feedstock, which meets the current goal of “carbon neutralization”.

Key words: direct petroleum to chemicals, DPC, FCC, triene, industrial application


中海油惠州石化有限公司1.2 Mt/a催化裂化装置于2021年5月针对环烷-中间基及减三线蜡油、减压渣油和原油为原料的原油(重油)直接制化学品(DPC)技术工业试验,实现了多产液化石油气、低碳烯烃,少产汽油和柴油,大幅降低焦炭收率的效果,达到了降低焦炭、增加化工产品、降低油品收率的预期目标,工业试验效果显著。验证了DPC技术的工业可行性。DPC试验证明加工相同原料情况下的低生焦率,符合当前“碳中和”目标要求。

关键词: 原油直接制化学品, DPC, 催化裂化, 三烯, 工业应用