Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (7): 25-27.

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Pilot evaluation and industrial application of etherification catalysts for FCC light gasoline

Wang Yanfei, Kong Xiangbing, Li Jinyang   

  1. PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center
  • Received:2022-11-24 Online:2023-07-15 Published:2023-07-20


王艳飞, 孔祥冰, 李金阳   

  1. 中国石油石油化工研究院兰州化工研究中心
  • 作者简介:王艳飞,高级工程师,硕士,毕业于中国石油大学(华东),从事清洁油品工艺技术研究与开发工作。联系电话0931-7982693,E-mail:wangyf。;


Using the FCC light gasoline etherification LNE-1 process developed by PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company has built a 500 000 TPY light gasoline etherification unit. In 2020, catalyst replacement work was carried out, and pilot evaluations were conducted on two types of catalysts. C5 tert-olefins were basically maintained at over 75%, and the total etherification content was maintained at around 15%. Both catalysts were superior etherification catalysts. Taking into account various aspects such as catalyst activity, low-temperature activity, conversion rate, selectivity, equipment corrosion, long service life, and price, the catalyst 1 was finally selected for industrial application. The results showed that the conversion rates of C5 and C6 tert-olefins were 74.34% and 62.85%, respectively. The total etherified content in the etherified product oil was 44.46%, and the industrial test results were basically consistent with the laboratory evaluation results.

Key words: FCC, light gasoline, etherification, catalysts, key components, tert-olefins, conversion rate


中国石油兰州石化公司采用中国石油石油化工研究院兰州化工研究中心开发的催化裂化轻汽油醚化LNE-1工艺建成了一套500 kt/a轻汽油醚化装置,2020年进行了催化剂换剂工作,对两种型号催化剂进行了中试评价。C5叔碳烯烃质量分数基本维持在75%以上,总的醚化物质量分数保持在15%左右,两种催化剂均为较优的醚化催化剂。综合了催化剂活性、低温活性、转化率、选择性、对设备的腐蚀性、使用周期及价格等各个方面,最终选择2号催化剂进行工业应用。结果表明:C5和C6叔碳烯烃转化率分别为74.34%和62.85%,醚化产品油中总醚化物质量分数为44.46%。工业试验结果与实验室评价结果基本一致。

关键词: 催化裂化, 轻汽油, 醚化, 催化剂, 关键组分, 叔碳烯烃, 转化率