Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (7): 28-31.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Summary of optimization and transformation of steam superheater in styrene plant

Wang Naizhi   

  1. SINOPEC Hainan Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2022-11-01 Online:2023-07-15 Published:2023-07-20



  1. 中国石化海南炼油化工有限公司
  • 作者简介:王乃志,工程师,毕业于北京化工大学,主要从事石油炼制方面的工作。联系电话:13518033869,。;


The waste heat recovery system of the steam superheater in the styrene plant has been modified with a 95+ high-efficiency heating furnace to save energy. After modification, the temperature of exhausted gas has decreased from 140 ℃ to below 85 ℃, the thermal efficiency has increased from 92% to 95%, and the emission mass concentration of NOx has decreased from 80~90 mg/m3 to 70 mg/m3. After modification, the energy-saving effect of the plant is remarkable, reducing the pollutant emission of SO2 and NOx. At the same time, the problem of dew point corrosion for air preheating equipment and tail flue under low exhaust temperature is essentially solved. All indicators meet the design requirements and have significant economic benefits, providing a comprehensive reference for the energy-saving transformation using this technology of similar plants or other heating furnaces in the future.

Key words: styrene plant, steam superheater, thermal efficiency, smoke system, air system, fuel gas composite corrosion inhibition system, low NOx combustion


对苯乙烯装置蒸汽过热炉余热回收系统进行了95+高效加热炉节能改造,改造后排烟温度从140℃降低至85℃以下,热效率由92.0%提高至95.4%,NOx排放质量浓度由80~90 mg/m3降低至70 mg/m3。装置改造后节能效果显著,降低了污染物SO2和NOx的排放,同时也从根本上解决了低排烟温度下空气预热设备及尾部烟道的露点腐蚀问题。改造后的各项指标满足设计要求并且具有可观的经济效益,为今后同类型装置或者其他加热炉节能改造采用此技术提供了全面的参考。

关键词: 苯乙烯装置, 蒸汽过热炉, 热效率, 烟气系统, 空气系统, 燃料气复合阻蚀系统, 低NOx燃烧