Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 42-45.

• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Summary of industrial application of non-ammonia denitrifiers in hydrogen production unit shutdown and startup processes

Wang Zhike, Chen Guohuang   

  1. 1.Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co.,Ltd.; 2.Hubei Yuanheng New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • Received:2023-10-26 Online:2024-01-15 Published:2024-01-29


汪智科, 陈国煌   

  1. 1.中化泉州石化有限公司; 2.湖北元亨新材料科技有限公司
  • 作者简介:汪智科,工程师,本科,2008年毕业于北京石油化工学院应用化学专业,从事炼油化工生产技术与管理工作。联系电话:0595-27571676,。;


The conversion furnace of the hydrogen production unit uses high-pressure fuel gas from the factory pipeline network as fuel, after cutting out the PSA exhaust gas during shutdown stage, and before cutting in the PSA exhaust gas during start-up stage. There is a problem of high oxygen content and excessive NOx converted concentration in the discharged flue gas. Therefor, the industrial application and optimization of the non-ammonia bio-based non-catalyst denitration reducing agent skid-mounted technology are carried out during the shutdown and start-up process. The results show that after adding the agent in an atmospherea with a smoke temperature of 450~850℃, the actual measured value of NOx is reduced to ultra-low level, which solves the problem of high-fold oxygen multiple, and achieves full-time compliant external discharge of NOx in the discharged flue gas; during the shutdown process, the daily average value of NOx converted concentration decreases from 279 mg/m3 to 129 mg/m3(meeting the index requirements of below 180 mg/m3), while during the start-up process, the daily average value of NOx converted concentration decreases from 502 mg/m3 to 104 mg/m3.

Key words: hydrogen production unit, non-ammonia denitrification agent, skid-mounted, conversion furnace, shutdown stage, start-up stage, nitrogen oxide, high oxygen content


制氢装置转化炉燃料气在停工切出PSA(变压吸附)尾气后,开工切入PSA尾气前,使用工厂管网的高压燃料气作燃料,存在外排烟气氧含量较高工况下NOx折算值超标的难题,为此在停、开工过程开展了非氨生物基无触媒脱硝还原剂撬装式技术的工业应用及优化。结果表明:针对制氢装置停、开工过程燃料切换和烟气中高氧量的特殊工况,烟气温度450~850℃的气氛下,实施加剂后,把NOx实测值降至超低,解决了NOx折算值超标的问题,实现转化炉烟气NOx全时合规外排,其中停工过程NOx折算浓度日均值由279 mg/m3下降至129 mg/m3(满足小于180 mg/m3的指标要求);开工过程NOx折算浓度日均值由502 mg/m3下降至104 mg/m3

关键词: 制氢装置, 非氨脱硝剂, 撬装式, 转化炉, 停工阶段, 开工阶段, 氮氧化物, 高氧量