Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 5-9.
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Wen Chuanzhong, Li Yanlong, Guo Penghui
温传忠, 李彦龙, 国鹏辉
The pulse operation is implemented by cooling steam on the flue gas turbine disk to solve online the problem of scaling in the flue gas turbine that affects the safe and long-term operation of the unit. Attempt to adjust the cooling steam flow rate of the flue gas turbine disk and pulse change the disk temperature. By utilizing the difference in expansion coefficient between the catalysts fouling layer and the disk metal, the fouling layer changes relatively slowly and has a small rate of change. The fouling layer is separated, falls off, and is blown away from the disk. By controlling the pulse change process of the disk temperature, the impact of operation on the smooth operation of the rotor component is minimized to the greatest extent. The pulse operation process takes into account both the process stability and the descaling effect. The setting is as follows: slowly increase the cooling steam flow rate from the normal amount of 800 kg/h to 1,500 kg/h at a rate of 50 kg/h per 5 minutes, and then reduce it to the normal amount at the same rate. During the process, the temperature of the disk decreases from 320 ℃ to 290 ℃ and then recovers to 320 ℃. Within 1 to 2 weeks after the pulse operation, the vibration of the flue gas turbine shaft gradually decreases to a lower level, and there is no significant change in the following 3 months. The goal of improving the dynamic balance of the flue gas turbine rotor online, reducing vibration, and ensuring a 100% synchronous operation rate between the unit and the device has been achieved.
Key words: flue gas turbine, disk, cooling steam, pulse, scaling, steam quality, vibration, bearing housing
为在线解决烟气轮机(烟机)结垢带来的装置长周期安全运行的问题,尝试对烟机轮盘冷却蒸汽实施脉冲操作。通过调整烟机轮盘冷却蒸汽流量,脉冲式改变轮盘温度,利用催化剂垢层与轮盘金属膨胀系数差异,垢层变化相对滞后且变化率较小,将垢层从轮盘分层、脱落、吹除。通过控制轮盘温度脉冲变化过程,可最大限度降低操作对转子组件平稳运转的影响。脉冲操作过程兼顾过程平稳和除垢效果,以轮盘冷却蒸汽流量每5 min提升50 kg/h的速率,将蒸汽由正常用量800 kg/h缓慢提至1 500 kg/h,再以相同速率降至正常用量。过程中,烟机轮盘温度由320℃降至290℃再恢复至320℃。脉冲操作结束后1~2周内,烟机轴振动逐渐下降到较低水平,并在后续3个月内未出现明显变化。实现了在线改善烟机转子动平衡、降低振动、机组与装置同步运转率100%的目标。
关键词: 烟气轮机, 轮盘, 冷却蒸汽, 脉冲, 结垢, 蒸汽品质, 振动, 轴承箱
Wen Chuanzhong, Li Yanlong, Guo Penghui . Practice of cooling steam pulse operation for the flue gas turbine disk[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2024, 54(1): 5-9.
温传忠, 李彦龙, 国鹏辉 . 烟气轮机轮盘冷却蒸汽脉冲操作实践[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2024, 54(1): 5-9.
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