Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (11): 42-45.

• PROCESS EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on heat transfer performance of high flux heat exchanger tubes with porous surfaces

Lu Xushi   

  1. Jingzhou Vocational College of Technology, Jingzhou, Hubei 434000
  • Received:2024-05-23 Online:2024-11-17 Published:2024-11-28



  1. 荆州理工职业学院,湖北省荆州市434000
  • 作者简介:鲁绪石,讲师,工程师,硕士研究生,荆州理工职业学院专任教师,研究方向为有限元分析、机械设计等。

Abstract: Compared with conventional heat exchanger tubes, the heat exchanger tubes with external slotting and internal sintering porous surfaces can significantly enhance boiling heat transfer, reduce the required heat transfer area, and have better scale inhibition effect. At present, there is a lack of empirical formulas for parameters such as heat transfer coefficients under multi-medium and multi-working conditions in domestic technologies. In this paper, the heat transfer coefficients of conventional heat exchanger tubes and this type of porous heat exchanger tubes are measured, and the empirical relationship between heat transfer coefficient and heat flux is summarized. The experiment is simulated by ANSYS, and the results are consistent with the experimental data. The model, meshing, and loading and solution obtaining processes are basically suitable for the experimental data of heat exchanger tubes under the experimental conditions, and the correctness of the experimental and computational results has been verified.

Key words: font-family:-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, ", font-size:14px, background-color:#FFFFFF, ">porous surface tube, high flux, heat exchanger tube, heat transfer performance, internal sintering, external slotting, total heat transfer coefficient, heat flux

摘要: 与常规换热管相比,外开槽内烧结表面多孔换热管能够显著强化沸腾换热,减少所需换热面积,且阻垢效果好。目前,国内关于多介质、多工作条件下的换热系数等参数的经验式的研究相对较少。文中测量了常规换热管和外开槽内烧结多孔换热管的换热系数,总结了传热系数与热流密度的经验关系式,利用ANSYS软件对实验进行了仿真,得到了与实验数据一致的结果。模型处理、网格划分和加载求解过程基本适应于该实验条件下换热管的实验数据,实验及计算结果的正确性得到了验证。

关键词: font-family:-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, ", font-size:14px, background-color:#FFFFFF, ">表面多孔管, 高通量, 换热管, 传热性能, 内烧结, 外开槽, 总传热系数, 热流密度