Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 51-55.
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Deng Mao
By comparison, it is found that the calculated viscosity values of heavy hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide mixtures differ significantly from the literature values. Based on the literature values, an empirical formula for calculating parameter α in the formula was refitted within the range of mixing temperature 60~120 ℃ and pressure 5~20 MPa. The newly fitted empirical formula considers the effects of temperature, pressure, resin content, and asphaltene content on the viscosity of the mixture, making the calculated viscosity of the mixture closer to the literature values. The calculation results indicate that at the same temperature, an increase in pressure leads to an increase in dissolved carbon dioxide and a decrease in the viscosity of the mixture; under the same pressure, an increase in temperature causes a decrease in the viscosity of heavy hydrocarbons and a decrease in the viscosity of the mixture; the higher the content of resin and asphalt, the greater the viscosity of the mixture. Based on the calculation results, it is recommended to mix heavy hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide at a pressure of 9~10 MPa and a mixing temperature of 90~120 ℃. The current experimental data is limited, and more data can be included for further fitting or correction to improve the range and accuracy of the new formula.
Key words: heavy hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide, viscosity, calculation formula, empirical parameter, supercritical, fitting formula,
通过对比重质烃和二氧化碳混合物黏度的计算值和文献值,发现计算值与文献值相差较大,按文献值重新拟合出了混合温度60~120℃、压力5~20 MPa范围内计算公式中参数α的经验公式,新拟合的经验公式考虑了温度、压力、胶质含量、沥青质含量对混合物黏度的影响,使混合物黏度计算值更接近文献值。计算结果表明,相同温度下,压力升高使得溶入的二氧化碳增多,混合物黏度降低;相同压力下,温度升高使得重质烃黏度降低,混合物黏度下降;胶质、沥青质含量越高,混合物黏度越大。根据计算结果,推荐重质烃类和二氧化碳混合压力为9~10 MPa,混合温度为90~120℃。由于实验数据较少等原因,后续可纳入更多数据进一步拟合或修正,不断提升公式的精度。
关键词: 重质烃, 二氧化碳, 黏度, 计算公式, 经验参数, 超临界, 拟合公式,
Deng Mao . Research on viscosity calculation of heavy hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide mixtures[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2023, 53(10): 51-55.
邓矛 . 重质烃和二氧化碳混合物黏度计算研究[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2023, 53(10): 51-55.
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