Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 56-59.

• ENERGY UTILIZATION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Discussion on several issues of technological progress and energy saving and emission reduction of petrochemical furnaces

Chen Lei   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-06-29 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-19



  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司
  • 作者简介:陈雷,高级工程师,毕业于西北大学,中石化广州工程有限公司海南CO2技术应用中心主任,长期从事石油化工行业CO2技术开发应用和项目管理工作。联系电话:020-22193015,。;


Energy conservation, emission reduction, and green development are the requirements for high quality and sustainable economic development in China. Despite the rapid development of new energy, there are still limitations in its application scenarios that need to be overcome urgently. Fossil fuels still play an important role in the global industrial energy supply. The petrochemical industry is a major energy consumer and carbon emitter in the industrial sector, with heating furnaces accounting for the largest proportion of operating costs. Therefore, achieving efficient utilization of fossil fuels through technological progress in the heating furnace field is the most effective way to promote energy conservation and emission reduction in the petrochemical industry. This article discusses the improvement of energy conservation and emission reduction capabilities in petrochemical enterprises through technological progress in four aspects: enhancing radiation heat transfer performance of heating furnaces, efficient combustion equipment and combustion technology, combustion system control technology, and deep utilization technology of flue gas waste heat. It also summarizes the current status and characteristics of research and technology, and proposes that one or more technology combinations should be applied according to the characteristics of heating furnaces in different process units, in order to better achieve energy-saving and emission reduction goals.

Key words: petrochemical furnace, heat transfer performance, high efficient combustion, combustion control, deep utilization technology of waste heat, energy saving and emission reduction,



关键词: 石化加热炉, 传热性能, 高效燃烧, 燃烧控制, 余热深度利用, 节能减排,