Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (4): 54-57.
• SAFETY AND HEALTH • Previous Articles Next Articles
Liang Wenbing, Qin Shijiang, Qin Yunfeng
梁文兵, 秦士江, 秦云锋
The necessity of rigorously verifying the reliability of the pressure relief equipment and torch system of the in-service equipment was introduced. The main problems in the current pressure relief equipment(safety valves, rupture discs, etc.) and torch system of petrochemical enterprises were pointed out, and the reasons were analyzed. Based on the principles and requirements of API Standard 521—2020, a systematic method for safety accounting of in-service pressure relief equipment and flare systems has been proposed and successfully applied in two petrochemical enterprises. Through systematic accounting, it was found that some active safety valves have safety hazards such as insufficient flow channel area, insufficient back pressure to meet requirements, and insufficient processing capacity of the flare system to meet actual emission requirements. Targeted rectification measures have been proposed, effectively ensuring the safety production of petrochemical enterprises.
Key words: in-service, pressure relief equipment, flare system, safety accounting, systematic, typical overpressure conditions, dynamic release
介绍了对现役装置的泄压设备和火炬系统的可靠性进行严谨校核的必要性。指出石化企业现役泄压设备(安全阀、爆破片等)和火炬系统存在的主要问题,并对原因进行了分析。基于美国石油学会标准规范API Standard 521—2020的原则和要求,提出了现役泄压设备和火炬系统安全核算的系统化方法,并在两个石化企业取得成功应用。通过系统化核算,发现部分现役安全阀存在流道面积不足、背压不能满足要求以及火炬系统处理能力不能满足实际排放需求等安全隐患,并提出了针对性的整改措施。该方法有效保障了石化企业的安全生产。
关键词: 现役, 泄压设备, 火炬系统, 安全核算, 系统化, 典型超压工况, 动态泄放
Liang Wenbing, Qin Shijiang, Qin Yunfeng . Systematic method and application of safety accounting for pressure relief device and flare system in-service[J]. Petroleum Refinery Engineering, 2024, 54(4): 54-57.
梁文兵, 秦士江, 秦云锋 . 现役泄压设备和火炬系统安全核算的系统化方法及应用[J]. 炼油技术与工程, 2024, 54(4): 54-57.
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