Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (10): 26-30.

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Analysis of the influence of blending hydrogenated tail oil in catalytic cracking unit on product distribution

Liu Bowen, Wang Qingbo, Zhao Chongmin, Li Ye   

  1. CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2024-05-10 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-10-22
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  1. 中海油惠州石化有限公司
  • 作者简介:刘博文,工程师,硕士研究生,2022年毕业中国石油大学(北京)化学专业,从事催化裂化汽油加氢工作。

Abstract: This paper takes a petrochemical plant's catalytic cracking unit as an example to explore the impact of blending hydrogenated tail oil on the distribution and quality of catalytic cracking products, and analyzes the causes of the impact. The results show that blending hydrogenated tail oil can significantly reduce the production of dry gas and oil slurry. For every 1t increase in the blending amount of hydrogenated tail oil, the output of oil slurry decreases by 0.14t, the production of dry gas decreases by 56m³, and the output of gasoline increases by 0.26t. The blending of hydrogenated tail oil will reduce the content of aromatics in the gasoline fraction, decrease the density, and lower the distillation temperature. As the blending amount of hydrogenated tail oil increases, the content of C³ in the liquefied petroleum gas decreases, and the content of C⁴ increases. This is attributed to the fact that the blending of hydrogenated tail oil inhibits the deep cracking reaction of catalytic cracking, reducing the generation of C³ and lighter components and heavy cracking products such as oil slurry, and increasing the yield of liquids above C⁴. As the blending amount of hydrogenated tail oil increases, the changes in the content of C³ and C⁴ fractions become the basis for judging the impact of hydrogenated tail oil blending on the depth of catalytic cracking reaction.

Key words: font-family:-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, ", font-size:14px, background-color:#FFFFFF, ">catalytic cracking unit, blending hydrogenated tail oil, feedstock processing volume, reaction depth, product distribution, dry gas, oil slurry, gasoline

摘要: 以某石化厂催化裂化装置为例,探究加氢尾油掺炼量对催化裂化产品分布及产品质量的影响,并分析了影响原因。结果表明:掺炼加氢尾油可显著降低干气与油浆产量,加氢尾油掺炼量每增加1t,油浆产量减少0.14t,干气产量减少56m³,汽油产量增加0.26t;掺炼加氢尾油会使汽油组分芳烃含量减少,密度下降,馏出温度降低;随着加氢尾油掺炼量增加,产品液化石油气中C³含量减少,C⁴含量增加。这归因于加氢尾油的掺炼抑制了催化裂化深度反应的进行,减少了C³及C³以下成分和油浆等深度裂化产品的生成,增加了C⁴及以上液体的收率,随着加氢尾油掺炼量增加,C³和C⁴组分含量的变化成为判断加氢尾油掺炼对催化裂化反应深度影响的依据。

关键词: font-family:-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, ", font-size:14px, background-color:#FFFFFF, ">催化裂化装置, 掺炼加氢尾油, 原料油加工量, 反应深度, 产品分布, 干气, 油浆, 汽油