Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (10): 12-16.

• PROCESSING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Discussion on processing scheme of saturated C5 and C6 components

Zhang Zhongli   

  1. SINOPEC Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510620
  • Received:2021-06-20 Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-11-15



  1. 中石化广州工程有限公司,广东省广州市 510620
  • 作者简介:张仲利,高级工程师,1995年毕业于石油大学(华东)应用化学专业,主要从事化工工艺设计工作。联系电话:020-22192812,。

Abstract: Two schemes of producing isomerized oil with saturated C5 and C6 components and refining petrochemical integration combined process are introduced respectively. Taking the feed of C5 and C6 components in a 300,000 TPY isomerization unit as an example, several processing processes are analyzed and compared from the aspects of product distribution, energy consumption and economy. The results show that the saturated C5 and C6 can be used as feedstocks for isomerization of gasoline and the cost of isomerization scheme with adsorption separation is slightly lower than that of other isomerization schemes. When the price difference between ethylene, propylene and gasoline reaches more than 3,000 yuan per ton, the income of refining petrochemical integration process is better than that of isomerization of gasoline. When the price difference reaches to more than 4,000 yuan per ton, the income of direct cracking scheme is better. In the integrated refining and chemical plant, it is still necessary to consider using C5 and C6 components as feedstocks. After adsorption separation of saturated C5 and C6 components, the isomers as gasoline and normal structure as ethylene cracking feedstocks are conducive to improve the comprehensive income of the plant.

Key words: C5 component, C6 component, isomerization, adsorption separation, normal-isomers separation, ethylene cracking, refining petrochemical integration, cost estimation

摘要: 分别对饱和C5和C6组分生产异构化汽油工艺和炼化一体化组合工艺两种方案进行了介绍;并以某企业300 kt/a异构化装置C5和C6组分进料为例,从产品分布、能耗和经济性等方面对几种加工工艺进行了分析比较。结果表明:饱和C5和C6组分可用于异构化生产汽油,采用吸附分离的异构化加工方案收益略优于其他异构化方案;乙烯、丙烯的价格(乙烯和丙烯按同价格考虑)与汽油价价差达到3 000元/t以上时,炼化一体化工艺的收益高于生产异构化汽油的收益,当价差提高到4 000元/t以上时,采用直接裂解的方案收益较高;炼化一体化工厂仍需考虑将饱和C5和C6组分用作化工原料,将饱和C5和C6组分进行吸附分离后异构体作为汽油的调合组分、正构体作为乙烯裂解原料有利于提高工厂的综合收益。

关键词: C5组分, C6组分, 异构化, 吸附分离, 正异构分离, 乙烯裂解, 炼化一体化, 效益估算