Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (4): 61-64.

• CATALYST AND ASSISTANT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Experimental study on treatment of wastewater containing amine by ozone catalytic oxidation with waste FCC catalyst

Pei Xudong, Tu Xianhong, Li Chaoheng, Chen Weihong   

  1. SEG Luoyang R & D Center of Technology, Luoyang, Henan 471003
  • Received:2020-10-14 Revised:2021-02-08 Online:2021-04-15 Published:2021-07-16


裴旭东, 涂先红, 李朝恒, 陈卫红   

  1. 中石化炼化工程(集团)股份有限公司洛阳技术研发中心,河南省洛阳市 471003
  • 作者简介:裴旭东,高级工程师,本科,1996 年毕业于华东理工大学化学工程系有机化工专业,主要从事烟气净化、废水处理等方面的工作。联系电话:0379-64330525,。

Abstract: An experiment was carried out on the treatment of wastewater containing amine by ozone catalytic oxidation using the waste FCC catalyst as ozone catalyst. The effects of COD, amount of waste FCC catalyst, pH value and ozone concentration on the COD removal rate were investigated and compared with the industrial ozone catalyst. The results showed that the ozone catalytic oxidation effect of waste FCC catalyst was obviously better than that of industrial ozone catalyst. When the COD of wastewater containing amine was 200 mg/L, it could be reduced to less than 50 mg/L after one hour treatment. Meanwhile, the catalytic mechanism of waste FCC catalyst was analyzed, which broadened the resource utilization field of waste FCC catalyst.

Key words: waste FCC catalyst, ozone catalytic oxidation process, wastewater containing amine, pH value, ozone concentration, COD, adsorption and complexation

摘要: 以FCC废催化剂为臭氧催化剂进行了臭氧催化氧化处理含胺废水实验,考察了废水化学需氧量(COD),FCC废催化剂添加量、pH值、臭氧浓度对COD去除率的影响,并与工业臭氧催化剂进行了对比。实验结果表明:FCC废催化剂臭氧催化氧化效果明显优于工业臭氧催化剂,含胺废水COD在200 mg/L时,经1 h 处理后COD可降至50 mg/L以下。同时对FCC废催化剂催化机理进行了分析,拓宽了FCC废催化剂的资源化利用领域。

关键词: FCC废催化剂, 臭氧催化氧化工艺, 含胺废水, pH值, 臭氧浓度, COD, 吸附络合