Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (2): 55-59.

• CATALYST AND ASSISTANT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on low temperature NH3-SCR denitration performance of Cu/HZSM-5 catalyst

Zhang Xiangjun   

  1. SINOPEC Jinan Company, Jinan, Shandong 250100
  • Received:2021-09-26 Online:2022-02-16 Published:2022-02-16



  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司济南分公司,山东省济南市 250100
  • 作者简介:张相俊,助理工程师,硕士研究生,2017年毕业于北京石油化工学院化学工程专业,主要研究方向为催化剂及助剂研究、石油炼制化工工艺。联系电话:18953187876,。

Abstract: Cu(x)/HZSM-5 catalyst is prepared by impregnation method and applied to the denitration performance study of NH3 selective catalytic reduction (NH3-SCR) at low temperature. The NH3-SCR denitration activity of the catalyst in the presence of O2 is evaluated in a fixed bed microreactor, and the performance of the catalyst is characterized by XRD, SEM, NO-TPD, O2-TPD and TG-DSC-MS. The denitration activity of the catalyst increases gradually with the increase of Cu loading. Cu loading affects the surface active species distribution, redox and adsorption desorption performance of the catalyst. Cu exists on the surface or voids of the catalyst in the form of CuO. Cu(6)/HZSM-5 shows good low-temperature denitration performance which is related to its good oxidation performance and NO adsorption and desorption performance. The conversion of NO is close to 100% at 159~378 ℃.

Key words: Cu/HZSM-5 catalyst, low temperature, NH3-SCR, denitration, adsorption and desorption characteristics, oxidizability, thermogravimetric differential thermal, activity

摘要: 采用浸渍法制备Cu(x)/HZSM-5系列催化剂并应用于低温NH3选择性催化还原脱硝性能研究。在固定床微型反应器上进行了O2存在条件下催化剂的NH3选择性催化还原NO活性评价,并通过XRD(X射线衍射仪),SEM(扫描电子显微镜),NO-TPD(程序升温脱附),O2-TPD,TG-DSC-MS(热重-差示扫描量热法-质谱联用)等对催化剂性能进行表征。结果表明,催化剂的催化脱硝活性随着Cu负载量增加而逐渐增强,Cu负载量影响催化剂表面活性物种分布、氧化还原性能和吸附脱附性能,Cu以CuO的形式存在于催化剂表面或空隙中。Cu(6)/HZSM-5表现出较好的低温脱硝性能,与其拥有较好的氧化性能和NO吸附脱附性能等有关,159~378 ℃时NO的转化率接近100%。

关键词: Cu/HZSM-5催化剂, 低温, NH3-SCR, 脱硝, 吸附和脱附特性, 氧化性, 热重差热, 活性