Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (12): 14-16.

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Research on long cycle operation optimization of large continuous reforming regeneration dust removal system

Liu Bin, Guan Jie, Wang Baotong, Jing Xiao, Wang Tao, Xing Zhengang, Yan Zhengshuai, Yang Shubiao, Liu Jun, Zhang Xiaolong   

  1. Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2023-10-10 Online:2023-12-15 Published:2023-12-20


刘斌, 关杰, 王宝桐, 景晓, 王涛, 邢振刚, 鄢正帅, 杨树彪, 刘军, 张小龙   

  1. 浙江石油化工有限公司
  • 作者简介:刘斌,主要从事炼油连续重整装置工艺技术管理工作。。;


After the start-up of the 3.8 MM TPY large-scale continuous reforming unit of Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd., the pressure difference of the regenerated catalyst dust collector continued to rise, resulting in multiple fluctuations in processing load. The regeneration system was forced to shut down due to collector cleaning, seriously affecting the full load operation of the unit and the company's economic benefits. To address the above issues, technical transformation was carried out. After the renovation, the fluctuation range of pressure difference in the riser has been reduced by about 6 kPa, greatly alleviating the wear of catalyst particles, reducing the dust amount by 1.93 kg/d, and stabilizing the pressure difference of the dust collector at 6.2 kPa, extending the operating time.

Key words: continuous reforming unit, regeneration, dust collector, dust removal system


浙江石油化工有限公司3.8 Mt/a大型连续重整装置开工后,再生催化剂粉尘收集器压力降持续上升,导致加工负荷出现多次波动,再生系统因收集器清理被迫停工,严重影响装置满负荷运行和公司经济效益。针对以上问题,进行技术改造。改造后提升管压力降波动范围减少了约6 kPa,大大缓解了催化剂颗粒的磨损,粉尘量减少1.93 kg/d,粉尘收集器压力降稳定在6.2 kPa,延长了运行时间。

关键词: 连续重整装置, 再生, 粉尘收集器, 除尘系统