Petroleum Refinery Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (11): 50-53.

• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research progresses on control technology of condensable particulate matter from coal-fired boiler flue gas

Wu Wei, Shan Guangbo, Liu Ling, Liu Yu, Li Baozhong   

  1. The General Station of Environmental Monitoring of Sinopec, Sinopec (Dalian) Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals Co., Ltd., Dalian, Liaoning 116045
  • Received:2024-07-24 Online:2024-11-17 Published:2024-11-28



  1. 中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司中国石油化工集团公司环境监测总站,辽宁省大连市116045
  • 作者简介:吴巍,副研究员,硕士研究生,2010年毕业于辽宁石油化工大学环境工程专业,研究方向为环境监测检测及环境污染治理技术研发。联系电话:0411-3969915,E-mail:。
  • 基金资助:



The emission of filterable particulate matter (FPM) from the flue gas of coal-fired boilers has been effectively controlled since the full implementation of ultra-low emission standards in China, but the removal effect of condensable particulate matter (CPM) varies, and the smog and plume phenomena caused by CPM are still of great concern. At present, China has not released the monitoring and emission standards for CPM, and the emission characteristics of CPM in the flue gas of coal-fired boilers are unclear, with uneven CPM control effects. This paper summarizes the concept of CPM, CPM emission characteristics, hazards, composition, and control technologies of coal-fired boilers, and analyzes the influence of existing ultra-low emission flue gas treatment technologies and CPM control technologies on CPM removal. To effectively control CPM emissions, suggestions are made to: strengthen the control of coal sulfur content, optimize the combustion process; improve the fixed pollution source emission inventory, establish CPM and SO3 monitoring methods and emission standard systems; evaluate the impact of adding or modifying equipment or adjusting operating modes on the generation and removal of SO3 and CPM.

Key words:

color:#060607, font-family:-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, ", background-color:#FFFFFF, "> coal-fired boiler, flue gas, condensable particulate, smog, SO3, whitening technology, adsorption technology, cloud removal technology




color:#060607, font-family:-apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, ", background-color:#FFFFFF, "> 燃煤锅炉, 烟气, 可凝结颗粒物, 雾霾, 三氧化硫, 脱白技术, 吸附技术, 云除技术